On Saturday, September 25th, the IDSA student chapter at Appalachian State held their 1st annual Build your own Croquet Mallet match on Sanford Mall. The event was held after Appalachian’s annual Fall Open House and throughout the afternoon current and prospective students stopped to watch the matches. The Industrial Design students were tasked with designing and building their own version of a croquet mallet.The mallets were built from a wide range of materials including; salvaged wood, metal, Nalgene bottles, recycled tin cans, and concrete. No material was off limits. But with only one minute to repair their mallet, once the matches begun, they had to be designed to last. For the first round, two courses were constructed and the participants were split up evenly. The top three on each course advanced to the finals. In the deciding match Industrial Design student Jordan Long won with his mallet, Thor’s Mailbox.